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Delivering Dunamis

Mar 31, 2021

Are you feeling unworthy?  Inadequate?  You are not alone.  Many of God’s children find themselves denying His fullness in submission to these types of negative emotions.  But God’s Perfect Love remains.  And when we fall at His feet and draw into His embrace, we are truly set free.  Redemption.  Born again.  In your new identity, you will feel moved to share God’s work with the world.  You will want everyone around you to have the opportunity to know His Love and embody a similar transformation.  The devil will try to discourage you from doing this work.  He will torment you with lies.  He will tell you that you are unqualified.  And many in the world may find themselves in agreement.  But there is something that you have that no one else does.  Something that makes you uniquely equipped to fulfill this role for God’s Kingdom.  And that is life experience.  Your experience aligned with the Strength and Power of God will be used for great works that will Glorify His Name.  If you’re looking to take on a greater role for The Lord, and you want to feel empowered to step forward in faith, this message is for you.  Where are you an expert as a result of your life experience?  And how can God use that experience to serve His Kingdom?